Health Services and Education

Health and Nutrition Program

We are committed to promoting healthy lifestyle choices through a range of impactful health and nutrition programs. Our goal is to inspire and equip children, their families, and communities to adopt healthy habits that support their well-being and enable them to thrive.

Key initiatives under our Health Program:

Visiting Nurse Services

Our visiting nurse program brings essential health services closer to school going children in public schools. The program offers health education, health screenings, diagnosis, treatment and referrals. We strive to bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and the underserved population by making health services accessible to all.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

Every child deserves access to a safe, clean learning environment. Our WASH Program aims to improve access to clean drinking water, proper sanitation, and hygiene services, which are essential for a healthy school experience.  We educate students and communities on the importance of hygiene and safe water practices. These efforts not only contribute to a cleaner school environment but also promote better health outcomes for students and their families.

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM)

We are committed to ending period poverty by addressing the barriers around menstrual hygiene. We have done this by providing sanitary towels to adolescent girls and offering comprehensive education on menstrual hygiene management (MHM) to ensure that the girls can continue their education without interruption. We have also trained students and teenage mothers on making reusable sanitary towels. The initiatives aim to empower young people and ensure that menstruation is not a barrier to their education.

Health Education Talks

Our health education program has educated and sensitized over 5,000 learners and teachers on vital health topics like First Aid, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), Nutrition, Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH), Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and prevention and management of communicable diseases. We have distributed First Aids kits and handwashing stations to beneficiary schools to promote preparedness for emergencies and hygiene. Active health clubs have been formed in the partner public schools. Through these talks, we have been able to create awareness and empower both students and staff to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.  

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Awareness

As part of our commitment to ending gender-based violence, our program raises awareness and provides support for learners who may be affected by GBV. Through educational talks and community outreach, we help address and prevent GBV in schools, ensuring that every child feels safe and supported.

Community Outreach Program.

GRACE Initiative’s Community Outreach Program is committed to improve the health and well-being of individuals within the community. Through targeted health education and promotion services, the program equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to adopt healthy behaviors and address health challenges. The program provides preventive services, health screenings and treatment services for community members.